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oAoB oCoD oEoF oGoH oIoJ oKoL oMoN oOoP oQoR oSoT oUoV oWoX oYoZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
GOYAL +face of man 29
GOYAL a symbol of quality 30
GOYAM the world of diamonds 14
GREEN TECH mark of quality 7
GREENDIA +cartoon of globe 21
GRIFFIN +head of dragon 23
GRIPETONE +face of child 5
GROHE plaster of paris 2, 19
GTM (hub of institute's) 41
GURU +face of man 32
GVS home of jeep parts 12
H TOYS +cartoon of giraffe 28
H.O.D house of diagnostics 41, 42
HALA +face of cow 29
HALKAT +cartoon of man 41
HANNY MONTY +cartoon of gir 21
HAPPY CAR +cartoon of car 3
HARI RAM real taste of indi 29
HARI VIDYA name of quality 3
HB HUMBUG +cartoon of insec 25
HBC home of beauty exclusiv 35
HECTIK +cartoon of tortoise 25
HELLO SCIENCE world of spac 16
HEM INCENSE-essence of indi 3
HEM fragrance of india +ova 3
HERITAGE of kashmir +leaf 25
HERITAGE choice of million 20
HERITAGE the pride of india 29
HH a mark of quality 24
HINA plaster of paris +arcs 19
HOF house of fashion +squar 35
HOLLY N MART +cartoon of ma 35
HOMESTOP your kind of home 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42
HONEY POT +cartoon of bee 42
HOP CAT 99 +cartoon of cat 43
HOSHI +cartoon of fox 9, 16, 38, 41, 42
HOST HOLBROOKS +bust of man 29
HOT CHIX +cartoon of bird 43
HOW SWEET +cartoon of bear 30
HRIDU +cartoon of boy 9
HUGE origin of new trends 6
HULK ply +cartoon of man 19
I-LINE'S a product of atg 18
IAIM institute of ayurveda 44
IANTZ +cartoon of ant 42
IBFI institute of banking 9
IBSAR institute of business 41
ICC +cartoon of elephant 9, 14, 16, 18, 21, 25, 28, 39, 41, 43
ICE CHIK +cartoon of bird 43
ICEBERG house of ice creams 42
ICFAI college of education 9, 16
ICLS institute of cosmetic 16
IDT institute of design 41
IEE a sense of innovation 9
IFBI institute of finance 9
IFCA institute of finance 41
IGI diamond of india awards 41
IGS ARAB glory of world 23
IHA aura of nature +oval 5
IIKM power of knowledge 41
IMAGES business of fashion 16
IMLI +cartoon of face 43
IN institute of interiors 16
INDOREELAL +cartoon of man 30
INDREA power of imagination 16
INSW IT power of informatio 35
INSWIT power of information 45
IPS +cartoon of man & torch 41
IQ +face of man & hat 25
IQ BABY +cartoon of man 25
IQBAL +face of man & hat 25
ISDI indian school of desig 16, 41
ISFSE indian school of fire 41
ITP the power of talent +ar 6, 7, 12, 37, 42
ITSUKI +cartoon of girls 43
IXOGEL for all kinds of pai 5
J +cartoon of girl 16, 41
J group of companies +squar 39
J. HAMPSTEAD fabric of life 24
J.P. a royal gift of nature 30
JADHAO group of companies 7
JAPANG +cartoon of boy 29, 30
JASOOS +cartoon of man 45
JAWIN taste of home +spiral 30
JAYAKA the taste of purity 29
JB real taste of india 30
JERRY WONG'S taste of china 16
JET AIRWAYS joy of flying 9, 12, 16, 25
JETHANAND +bar of soap 3
JINDAL +map of india 6
JIYAJI the power of now 24
JL a symbol of purity +oval 30
JOHARA-THE JEWEL of cosmeti 3
JOI jewelers of india 16
JOLE sprit of wonderhood 25
JOSEPH'S +face of man 30
JOY the cream of ice creams 30
JP plaster of paris +flower 19
JUBILEE air travels of indi 39
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